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Dermarollers for Acne Scars
Scarring from acne might seem like a double punishment. First you had to deal with the pimples at a very vulnerable and emotionally tumultuous phase of your life; now you are left with the scars as a reminder. Most acne sufferers who have scarring, state that the scarring is not just physical, but psychological as well. The emotional trauma caused by scarring is more severe than the acne itself. This is because while the acne breakouts are temporary, scarring is permanent. Scars can be due to tissue loss (atrophic scars, ice pick scars, box scars, deep scars) or due to excess of tissue (hypertrophic scars and keloidal scars).
“Micro-needling” (also known as Collagen Induction Therapy) is a procedure which can stimulate the production of new collagen, thereby reducing scars and improving skin texture. A roller with very fine bristles is used to produce many microscopic channels in the skin, which stimulates your skin to produce new collagen. These channels also help in better penetration of anti- acne medication. The procedure is done after applying an anesthetic cream to the skin 30-45 minutes prior to the procedure. The affected skin is treated using a Dermaroller for about 15 to 20 times in order to achieve an intensive perforation. This takes off the tissue tension and softens the scar. Dermarolling causes micro-bleeding which usually stops within a few minutes. The needle only penetrates through the epidermis and does not remove it. This procedure also perforates and breaks down the fibrotic fibers that keep the scar tethered down. Soon after scar perforation, new blood vessels and collagen can migrate through the scar walls into the former “scar crater”. After several treatments the former ‘acne scar crater’ is filled with new collagen layers, thus bringing the previous depressed scar to normal skin level. Even the pigmentation left after healing of acne is partially cleared. Dermarollers are also helpful in improving the appearance of stretch marks. They can bring about mild tightening of skin, reduce the number of fine lines and wrinkles and decrease the size of open pores.
The dermaroller contains about 192 needles of 0.5 to 1.5 mm length. It is safe and effective in both men and women of all skin types and skin color. The advantages include low risk, short down-time (24-48 hours), painless procedure which is affordable and gives good results. Following the procedure, sun-protection is needed only for 3- 5 days. The appearance of the face immediately after a micro-needling session using the Dermaroller is pinkish to red. There may be mild scabbing and flaking for a few days, but the skin heals up completely in a week’s time. 4-6 sessions are required at intervals of 6-8 weeks.
There is a reason why I insist on using a fresh Dermaroller for each treatment-
- Needles longer than 0.2 mm penetrate into the dermis, and such a penetration is called invasive.
- Any instrument, even an injection needle that penetrates the skin, MUST be sterile.
- For economic reasons, Dermarollers are manufactured from plastic parts with incorporated steel needles. All parts are glued by a medical approved bonding.
- Before delivery the dermaroller is sealed in a bag, packed in a carton and gamma sterilized, the best and most efficient way of sterilization.
- Due to its structure dermarollers CANNOT be re-sterilized in an autoclave, may it be steam or hot air.
Even though companies use plastic parts (poly amid, etc.) that can stand heat above 200° C, the heat will always affect the needles, because any metal, also stainless steel, changes its molecular structure when exposed to temperatures above 100°C. The needle tip is the most difficult part to tool. And the extreme thin tip is the first part that will change its structure when exposed to high temperatures. In simple words: it will get blunt. You may not see it with the bare eye, but you definitely will feel it. Blunt or badly tooled needles (like these of all copies) result in high penetration forces, and these high penetration forces result in skin damage.
Make your own experiment with almost no cost: Put a new razor blade into an autoclave. You can bet it will never shave a hair again! The one rule that has to be followed at all times is that the acne must be completely healed before a patient can be initiated on micro-needling. Dermarollers cannot be used on fresh, inflamed acne or keloid acne. Patients who have a history of Herpes (cold sores) must mention this to their dermatologist before starting treatment. Collagen induction therapy, using a Dermaroller is therefore among the best treatments available for the treatment of scars, acne scars and stretch marks. It is a simple and cost- effective treatment which shows gratifying results.